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Image by Carl Nenzen Loven


Some must-see in the city

May/June is undoubtedly one of the best times to visit our region, if you come with some time to spare to explore the city, we recommend:

  • Visiting the Uppsala Cathedral. Tallest in the Nordics with 118 meter-long spears and the burial place of Carl Von Linné.

  • Taking a walk around the city center and the Fyris river.

  • Strolling around the Botanical Garden, where research, teaching and conservation of biological diversity go hand in hand with beauty, recreation and education. From Rudbeck, Linnaeus and Thunberg to today’s modern botany.

  • Checking out the main university library, Carolina Rediviva, home to The Silver Bible, one of the world's most famous manuscripts and part of UNESCO's Memory of the World Register.

  • Visiting the Viking Royal Mounds of Gamla Uppsala (Old Uppsala).

  • Spending a morning or afternoon in one of the museums around the city, like the Bror Hjorhts Museum, The Uppsala Art Museum, or the Uppland County Museum.

©2024 by Uppsala Antibiotic Center.

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