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Uppsala Antibiotic Days 2024 Program

This conference will consist of scientific sessions with keynote speakers and selected presentations, a panel discussion and a poster session. We also offer plenty of opportunities for social interaction during breaks and the conference dinner. We look forward to have you with us. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

DAY 1 - May 28th, 2024

Session 1: Drug discovery & Economics

After welcoming and inaugurating the conference, we will start with our first scientific session, focusing on the current situation of the discovery of new antimicrobial drugs and the aspects of financing and economics in this area.

May 28th - 08:45

Session 2: Social Sciences

With behaviour and human action as key aspects of AMR, we will talk in this session about how research on social sciences and education are part of the solution.

May 28th - 11:00

Lunch Break

May 28th - 12:30

Light lunch with the possibility of networking, mingling, and visiting the poster gallery.

Session 3: Diagnostics

May 28th - 13:30

To ensure proper and timely antimicrobial treatment rapid and affordable diagnostics and strain analysis are needed. Here we will explore the latest research and innovation in this area.

Poster session

May 28th - 15:45

Open poster session where attendees will have the chance to present their latest research and discuss their results with colleagues. Light refreshment served.

Conference Dinner

May 28th - 19:00

Dinner arranged for any participant to join. (Note: this dinner is paid by each participant)

DAY 2 - May 29th, 2024

Session 4: The future of clinical trials

May 29th - 9:00

With new drugs and treatments in the pipeline, how do we ensure a proper evaluation of their clinical relevance? In this session, we will explore the transformative landscape of clinical trials, with a particular emphasis on the future of evaluating new anti-infective agents.

Session 5: Panel discussion

A panel discussion with several keynote speakers will explore the current and future state of financing and R&D of antibiotics, clinical trials and diagnostics.

May 29th - 10:45

Lunch Break

May 29th - 12:00

Light lunch with the possibility of networking, mingling, and visiting the poster gallery.

Session 5: One Health

May 29th - 13:00

Looking at AMR from a One Health perspective, here we will talk about the joint effort of various disciplines that come together to provide solutions for human, animal, and environmental health.

Session 6: Emergent AMR Pathogens

New resistant pathogens are emerging, including new bacterial species, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Here we will explore resistance with an outlook to the future.

May 29th - 15:00

©2024 by Uppsala Antibiotic Center.

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